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Jain Vishva Bharati Online Book Store

Book Detail

Author: Sadhvi Vishrutvibha
Category: Monograph
Released: 2019
Language: English
Pages: 80
125 (Inclusive all of Taxes)

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Jainism, traditionally known as Jain Dharma, is one of the most ancient religious traditions of India with its origin rooted in prehistoric times. Jainism is a representative of the shramana tradition. It is considered as the oldest religion, but its principles are relevant even today. First of all, to understand Jainism, it is necessary to understand the nature of Religion and its principle concepts which people vaguely talk about. Through this monograph, the author has simplified and summarized various concepts of Jain philosophy along with the history of Jain tradition, which even a common man can understand in the correct form by reading it.
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